
What is the project about?

Working with BA Sustainable Product Design, BA Photography, MA Creative Education and the School of Writing and Journalism we are exploring an alternative method of collecting module feedback at the end of a taught semester.

Why are we undertaking it?

Historically the process of modular feedback has been collected via paper based means. This has often made it difficult to summarise a collective response from a cohort and compare scorings.

Who’s involved?

Amy Sampson – Learning Technologist

BA Sustainable Product Design, BA Photography, MA Creative Education and the School of Writing and Journalism.

What will the project achieve?

By introducing an additional plugin into the institutional learning environment (Learning Space) we are able to collate anonymous feedback from students at the end of the module. This feedback can then be reviewed by course teams after the module has ended to inform delivery of subsequent modules within the course.

When is the project taking place?

Throughout the coming months we will be working with course teams to reflect on the introduction of digital modular feedback through Learning Space and if this has had an impact on modular delivery in these areas.  

Where can I find out more?

Email to find out more detail about the project. Anyone wishing to be part of this trial is encouraged to get in touch with the Educational Technology team who can help with implementing this method of feedback collection.

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