All words we are more than likely achingly familiar with, and that are often laden with an added burden of paperwork.

Well dear readers, fret no further. The Learning Space makes it easy for you to monitor all of these things at the touch of a button.

The LearningSpace logs each and every interaction that a user makes and our recently added ‘Attendance’ activity allows you to quickly and easily collect and export/print information on those that are present and correct at your lectures and workshops.

Not only that, but we’re also currently testing out additional analytical tools within LearningSpace, that will enable staff to view how students are interacting with particular activities such as quizzes, forums and access to presentations or other resources. 

The idea of this stuff is to assist teaching staff in reflecting on their own practice and also identifying areas where students might need further support and assistance, which in turn aids retention and student satisfaction. 

There are some excellent resources over at JISC that introduce analytics and how they aid teaching and learning

and a fantastic article here on getting meaningful analytics out of a system

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use analytics in your course or module contact the team on

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