Importance of collaboration in Educational Technology

Educational technology is a vast field, the individuals who work within this area are often as diverse as the topics they cover. From online assessment to user experience, learning design to technology best practice, we work in a diverse environment. Within the University environment there are several ways learning technology practitioners are embedded into an … Continue reading “Importance of collaboration in Educational Technology”

A lens on…Digital Identity

In this series of articles, the Educational Technology team will be providing an insight into existing practice using technology for learning and teaching at Falmouth University and also at projects being undertaken within the wider HE sector. Some of our previous articles have looked at Assessment, Creative Education and Learning analytics. With September comes the … Continue reading “A lens on…Digital Identity”

Staff Recommended Apps

Over previous years we’ve collected information and blogged about the apps that students have found useful to help with their study at Falmouth University. Now its the turn of the staff, we frequently hear of apps that professional services and academic members of staff have found helpful with their support of students. We formally collect … Continue reading “Staff Recommended Apps”

Summer Housekeeping

As the end of another academic year draws to a close it’s the perfect time to reflect on another years worth of teaching and perform some housekeeping on your learning environment module areas. In the course of the year external links to other areas may have changed and assignment briefs might have altered so it’s … Continue reading “Summer Housekeeping”

A lens on… Creative Education

In this series of articles, the Educational Technology team will be providing an insight into existing practice using technology for learning and teaching at Falmouth University and various projects being undertaken within the sector. Our previous articles have covered a wide range of topics including Inclusivity, Digital Literacy and Course Design. This week we’re focusing … Continue reading “A lens on… Creative Education”

We made the list, again! EdTech’s Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs

The Dean’s list pulls together blogs from around the world about the hottest education technology issues occurring, and introduces higher ed stakeholders to a group of education technology thought leaders who share not-to-be-missed analyses of higher ed technology trends, challenges and opportunities. The list is a peer-reviewed collection of education community experts, classroom leaders, admins and … Continue reading “We made the list, again! EdTech’s Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs”

Falmouth in Focus: Computing for Games

In this series of articles we’ll be casting our gaze over some examples of practice currently being undertaken at Falmouth University. We work extensively with a variety of subjects and often find that the learning experiences are as diverse as those teaching on the courses. This month we’re focusing on Computing for Games, a relatively … Continue reading “Falmouth in Focus: Computing for Games”

Reviving module content using Learning Space reports

Inbuilt within Learning Space is the option of multiple reports that track activity within a module page. This monitoring feature can be particularly useful if you are wanting to gain an insight into the popularity of content or to track use of a activity, such an assessment hand-in point. Tracking engagement and module activity helps … Continue reading “Reviving module content using Learning Space reports”

Podcasts for Education

Recently there have been a resurgence in podcasting, productions such as This American Life’s Serial have helped to popularise a media format that had previously dwindled; in 2014 alone Apple anticipated its users listened to 7 billion podcasts. A greater choice of podcasting apps and widespread use of smartphones have played their part in making … Continue reading “Podcasts for Education”